onsdag 13 maj 2015

BPJ Inc: Kindness and community

I follow this guy named Ben Patrick Johnson on twitter and with some regularity he throws out a question or a topic for his followers to discuss. Surprisingly, the discussions do not devolve into name calling and hostility. Unfortunately, 140 characters is just too short to express coherent and in-depth thoughts.

So, I've decided to make another series called "BPJ Inc" in which I take topics I find fascinating and expand on my thoughts on them (while trying to get at least some people to go check this guy's feed.)

Kindness and community

Yesterday's discussion started with an article posted at medium dot com, but it quickly moved in about a hundred different directions while still sticking to the subject of kindness, community and inclusion vs exclusion.

My thought on the matter is simple:

Treat everyone with the respect, dignity, and kindness they deserve. If you can't do more, at least treat others the way you want to be treated. If you can, see to their needs and treat them as they would be treated.

Someone replied to me with the sentiment that if we give out kindness and honest compliments too freely, we become desensitized and being kind becomes as commonplace as a "good morning". I'm not sure this is entirely a bad thing. Imagine a world in which kindness and respect is no longer an extraordinary experience, but so common in your everyday life that you not only take it for granted, but CAN take it for granted because it will always be there.

Sadly, I was reminded that we don't live in that world yet. Every time someone is called a predator because of something they can't control, every time someone is accused of misdeeds without any evidence, we slip further away from a future in which humans can be humans without social stigma.

No one chooses their sexuality. Saying that sexuality is a choice is as stupid and ignorant as saying that eye color is a choice. And really, if it was a choice, why would anyone choose to be part of the LGBTQIA community? Why would anyone choose constant ridicule, humiliation, and bullying? Why would anyone choose social stigma and hatred?

I was the target of relentless ridicule and humiliation long before I discovered my sexuality. I prayed every night to be normal. Why would I pick a sexuality that puts me in the fringes of an already stigmatized community?

Bisexuals are not predators.
Homosexuals are not pedophiles.
Trans* people are not confused.
And neither are queer people.
Asexuals are not broken or damaged.

We can all stand to be more accepting and kind to each other. Then maybe, one day, we won't be divided into categories and pitted against each other. Then maybe, we will all be just Human. As humans, we all have great potential to do harm, but also infinite potential of generosity, caring, and curiosity.


2 kommentarer:

  1. I'm hugely flattered you have taken the time for this. Blown away, really. You made my day. You made my WEEK. I'm happy to work in tandem with you ... I'll start with 140 characters (hehe) and you can expand on it. Big hugs from here!


  2. Thank you so much for your kind words. I am happy that you like it.
    Writing for a living has been a dream of mine since I was a child and to see that what I write is so well received is a great gift. I wish to see this series expand beyond what I can imagine, to get more people involved. 140 characters is a good start and I am excited to work with new ideas.

