tisdag 28 april 2015

Touching Energy

Have you ever just slowly moved your hands through the air around you?

Have you ever rested your fingertips on a surface of water no hotter or colder than your skin?

Have you ever closed your eyes and turned your face into the light of the sun on a bright Spring day?

The skin is an amazing organ, capable of sensing even the lightest touch and surviving harsh conditions. It encompasses every inch of the outer layer of our bodies. It changes depending on its use, from the incredibly sensitive pads of your fingertips and the creases of your lips, to the tough hide of the soles of our feet and the palms of our hands.

Skin is a basis for so much in our lives. Hugs, kisses, judgement, pain, hurt, arousal.

The skin covering my abs are striped purple with stretchmarks from yo-yo dieting, desperate exercise, neglect, and hunching my back to become invisible. I find these marks beautiful and fascinating. Tiger stripe scars. The purple lines feel very different to the rest of my skin.

And that's my point.

I live for sensations. New touch, new scent, new tastes, and new sounds. I don't have to chase these sensations, they are all around me at all times. All I have to do is stop for a moment and just exist in the present.
Today it was the scent of budding trees and freshly cut grass. The rattling sound of a bike chain in desperate need of some oil. The slight chafing touch of an Egyptian cotton scarf against my chin. The bright Spring sunlight in my hair.

When I pause and just breathe, I can feel energy moving through the air. It's a tingling feeling, gentler than warmth, quieter than the whisper of silk.

Staying quiet and just listening is helping me sate my curiosity. My mind needs the sensations, it needs the challenges, to function. To me, my senses and my curiosity are a inseparable couple, always closely connected.

The first law of thermodynamics state that energy can't be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed. One day, I will return to energy. No longer held together by the electricity of a living being, my body will break down into atoms and I will become pure energy. Until that day, I will continue to enjoy life and the sensations life provides. Because living is amazing.


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