tisdag 16 juni 2015

BPJ Inc: Colors of the rainbow

This month is Pride month and all over the world, in city after city, people are showing their Pride. Pride in who they are. Pride in who they love.

Gay Pride.

But the rainbow has more colors than one. We hear about gay pride, homophobia, same-sex marriage rights. Yes, these are important. Yes, these are things we have to stand by or against (in the case of homophobia). But there is more that has to be done, more people who are being persecuted for who they are.

Trans* individuals being killed and no news are shown about it.
Bisexuals being hunted and ridiculed.
Pansexuals being persecuted and raped to "fix" them.
Asexuals being told that they're broken, wrong, or don't exist.

And under it all, a simmering, festering pool of racism.

I was born privileged. I am a white female, born and raised in one of the most liberal countries in the world. I grew up with three meals per day, drinkable tap water, and clean clothes. I married a white guy who grew up in the same town as I did. So, what sets us apart? I am ace, he's bi. That's it. None of us have to go through pain based on things we can't change. Sure, I was bullied, but not because of my skin color, eye color, ethnicity, origin, or sexuality.

And that is why I am an ally. I can't presume to know the pain non-white-appearing people go through, but I can reach out a hand and say "I am on your side." As I recognize my privilege, I use it to give voice to those who have no voice.
I can't know your pain the way you do. What I can do is stand by you, be the person backing you up against the bullies. The voice behind you that tells you that you're worth more. Not because you need a white woman telling you this, but because the bigots need to meet resistance from people the they think are with them.

In this world, I, as a white-appearing cisgender female, has a much louder voice than a non-white person, and especially Trans* individuals. I intend to use it.

And in three days, I will be down town in Dublin, sipping a Guinness, and cheering as the Dublin Pride Festival opens for 2015. Because love is as diverse as the colors of a rainbow, and we need to be damn proud of that.


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