I met one of my best friends during this year and we came up with loads of more or less sane things to do (The IMs, introducing HIM to elementary schoolers, LOTR stick figures etc).
One of the times that really stuck with me was when Jackson was trying to teach me the song "Rudolph, the rednosed reindeer". Growing up in Sweden, I had only ever learned the Swedish version of the song, so it was fun to learn the English lyrics for it as well.
Except, it didn't really turn out to be an open-and-shut lesson at all.We were walking down the street to where Jackson lived at the time and Jackson was trying to teach me the words for the song. Jackson got to the third verse just as we passed a brightly lit yard with metal wire reindeer in the yard.
Just as Jackson sang the bit that goes
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say:
the reindeer decided to move its head. Since Jackson wasn't prepared for the sudden movement, they let out a "Fuck, it moved" which made the song take on a completely different tone from what I assume was the intended one.
I still claim that Jackson's version of the famous Christmas carol is an improvement, but I guess the original is more appropriate for school/holiday dinners/the likes.
*The title is named thus, because the LED reindeer always remind me of Zero from Nightmare Before Christmas
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