Today was a day of packing and doing dishes. If I think about my imminent move to Ireland for too long, I freak out, so I'll get to today's topic:
The absolute stupidity that is discrimination.
I have been blessed to be born in a country in which discrimination is prohibited by law. I recognize this privilege for what it is, a wonderful thing, and I fight loudly for others to gain the privileges I, as a Swede, was born with.
When I see laws get passed that make it ok to discriminate people based on anything, really, it makes me sad and frustrated.
Like I said, I was born and raised in Sweden, so neither I nor my sister have had to hide who we are. My sister is gay and is living with a wonderful woman. I am gray-asexual and I am married to a bisexual man. I married the love of my life this past September and I look forward to going to my sister's wedding, whenever that might happen.
It breaks my heart to know that in some countries, people aren't allowed to marry who they love. In some countries, they are allowed to marry, but different laws apply to hetero marriages and LGBTQIA marriages.All because of one line in a book that is 2000 years old. A line that makes absolutely no sense.
Let's break it down.
Lev 18:22: Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. (King James Bible)
Now, assuming that the male in question is a bio-sex male attempting to have penetrative sexual intercourse with another bio-sex male the same way a bio-sex male would have penetrative sexual intercourse with a bio-sex female, I see a problem right away.
This is impossible.
Bio-sex males do not have vaginas, so a bio-sex male can't have the same kind of sex with a bio-sex male as he would with a bio-sex female.
It is physically impossible. At least if you discount anal sex.
Now, the line says nothing about bio-sex females, so according to the Bible, lesbianism is totally ok. It also says nothing about bio-sex males identifying as females, genderfluid, bio-sex intersex, gender queer, non-gender, etc. It basically only mentions cisgender bio-sex males, and we already established the impossibility of that.
Lev 18:22 really only bans bio-sex cismales to have sex with bio-sex intersex identifying as males, and bio-sex cismales to have sex with bio-sex females identifying as males.
And most of all, there is no mention of the Abrahamic God banning LGBTQIA people from marrying. There's a lot of talk about not marrying across country borders and across faith lines, but nothing about LGBTQIA people.
So really, it would make more sense to ban eating bacon and drinking beer, than to ban two people who love each other from getting married. Drinking alcohol and eating pork is banned by the Abrahamic God, after all.
For more information on gender and sexuality, go here and follow the links.
Edit: When I say "bio-sex" I mean the sex a person was genetically born with - male female, or intersex.
"Cis", to me, means having the same gender identification as your biological sex (males identifying as males, females identifying as females, intersex identifying as intergender).
Gender does not equal your sex. Your sex is the parts and chromosomes you were born with. Your gender is who you are, what you identify as, and that spectrum is huge.
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