torsdag 6 mars 2014

Social Media Tourettes*

*Today's post is inspired by this post over at STFU Parents, which incidentally happens to be one of my favorite amusement rides on the Web.

I understand that Tourette's Syndrome is a serious problem for those living with/suffering from it, even though I in no way can understand what it is to have this affliction, and I am in no way belittling them or poking fun at their problems. I just think it is very fitting to use the name of said infliction to describe the inability to control the urge to share way too much information with everyone and the Devil's uncle. After all, Tourette's Syndrome is characterized by tics that the person cannot control, be in physical and/or verbal.

Now on to the actual post.

I don't understand some people's need to scream for attention (says the woman running a blog. No, the double standard is not lost on me), especially if your demands make you sound petulant or whiny. I seriously doubt that telling Facebook, instead of say your children or significant other, about your problem will solve said problem. I can appreciate the way complaining can be enjoyable at the moment, but you really don't have to make it into a comment thread linked to your Facebook post, especially if you're the only one writing in said comment thread. Complain, whine, bitch, and then fix what's bothering you. That's how I do it, and it actually works. Most of the time.

I also understand that with the ever increasing part social media plays in our lives, more and more people feel like they're not even there if no one comment on or like their posts. Trust me, I know the feeling. I would feel completely worthless if no one responded to my diary posts when I still had a LiveJournal account. My life revolved around getting comments on my posts and playing the hipster with my "Do Not Share Outside Friend Circle" cries and "Woe Is MEEEEE" updates. I really was very annoying back then, and I appreciate those who stuck around so much. Not saying I can't be annoying now as well. I am just saying that it was worse back then.

Sadly, it seems that this constant need for attention has bled through from real life to the social medias, and once again we're faced with the one simple truth that might make your life and the lives of people around you a drag for many year to come - The Internet is FOREVER. Everything you post online will stay online. You can't possibly know how many times a post you make will get the copy-pasta bowl. You can't know where your post might be shared or who might save your pictures to their computer. The post over at STFU Parents is a prime example of how this works.

Person A makes a post on Facebook.
Person B finds it funny and annoying enough to share it with the owner of STFU Parents.
The Owner posts it on her site after saving it on her computer.
Countless readers share the post with their friends.
Some might save it to their computers.
Even if Person A asks the Owner to remove the post, the post is now forever spread across the Internet.

Exponential export has nothing on the power of the Copy And Paste.

You might find the quote you read or your baby's first firm turd to be something everyone needs to know about. You might think that vomit and having sex with your Idol or making Comment Thread One Person Conversations is something to be shared with the world. Not everyone shares your opinion and if nothing else, some pictures are cute in the moment, but do you want everyone to see you dance naked on a bar?

Just as people living with Tourette's Syndrome can acquire tools to make their lives easier, there are ways to control The Urge To Over Share.

Just don't post things you don't want the world to see. Everyone in the world. Forever.

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