I have long struggled with what to me have felt like a separation of mind and emotions and today I figured out why.
I was sitting on the bus, getting severely annoyed by the bus driver's jumpy way of driving (I like the Knight Bus as much as the next person, but I prefer my "bumpy ride" to be either magical or in the bedroom) when it struck me that my reactions were very much like a child's. My emotions flare up and calm down much like a pre-teen child's would and it hit me why I have felt distress when it comes to the link between my mind and my emotions.
I have the mind of a 27, soon 28, year old woman, but I have the emotional maturity of a pre-teenage child.
I see the world with wonder and awe, much like the stereotype of a child. I am curious, greedy, impatient, and obsessive, much like you would expect from a child. I think in pictures, never ever in words. I jump from topic to topic, I link things together, and I feel anticipation much in the same way I did as a child. In my thoughts, there are no limitations when it comes to imagination, and so I can find connections other people around me just don't see.
I don't know why my emotions stopped maturing, but I suspect it is because of trauma. The hell I went through started before adolescence, so I guess that, while my mind developed the way that was expected, learning things, my emotions just stopped maturing, leaving me confused and disorientated.
Now, keep in mind that I have no education in psychology. This is just my guess. It just really fits.
My childlike mind has given me a lot of grief in the past.
"You have too much imagination"
"Stop being such a kid"
"Grow up"
All I really have to do is accept that who I am is a strange mix-n-mash of childlike impatience, matured love, eagerness, stubbornness, awe, insatiable curiosity, and a strange sense of frustration. I need to learn to accept what makes me unique, and stop trying to conform to the norm.
There is nothing wrong with seeing the world for its wonders, nor is there anything wrong with an imagination or HAVING FUN!
SvaraRaderaI find myself doing this all the time jumping from topic to oh look chocolate :)
I do not believe what you are experiencing is emotional immaturity it is more a mind that wishes to have the fun you missed out on as a child. And if people have a problem with the way you are then **** them because you are a wonderful person. If people do not see that and cannot enjoy life with you then it is simply not worth knowing them!