onsdag 31 juli 2013

My Dad

My Dad is a pretty amazing person and he has a wicked sense of humor. He also seems to lack even the most basic understanding of the concept of "shame", which has provided me with hours of entertainment.

Example 1:
January a few years ago. The car was covered in about four inches of snow and ice, and still it got ticketed somehow. The ticket had been jammed in under the frozen windshield wiper through a small hole someone had made in the snow.
I asked my dad to come and help me move the car and he said that I could park it on their driveway to avoid more tickets. So I sat out on the quest to free the car from the white menace, which resulted in a de-iced car and a busted shoulder. All in all, a really sucky experience.

We got the car to my parents' house and then we drove to the grocery store, because I needed to buy food for Boy and me.

This is where Dad's "Best Dad Ever" award comes in.

Not only did he offer to pay for my groceries, because my budget was fried due to the parking ticket, he did the Raptor/Dracula (thank you, Dante Shepherd of Surviving The World, for the visual aid) walk through the bread section of the store. A little girl, maybe four or five years old, was blocking his path and try as he might, he couldn't get past her. In his frustration, he then decided that stalking her Raptor-style was a great idea. If looks could kill, my Dad would have turned into a Roman Candle by the look the girl's mother gave him. Me, I was busy laughing into a pyramid of cookie boxes.

Example 2:
Dad and I were at this seminar thing during a time when we were both unemployed. The woman droning on about the company she represented was not only boring, she was boastful and egocentric as well.
Suddenly, something sharp is nudging my arm and I turn to see my Dad poking me with a notebook, in which he had written a comment about the whole seminar thing.
We then spent roughly an hour passing notes back and forth.

Example 3:
Boy and Dad imitating the Ministry of Silly Walks (thank you, Monty Python) all the way from my parents' house to the pizza place. I am sure that they would have continued on the way back if balance hadn't been an issue. I really wish I had been there to see this.

Example 4:
My Dad could probably write a book named "100 Kitchen Puns". Boy and him most likely came up with that many, and more, when the two of them were remodeling my parents' kitchen.

In short, my Dad is a loon, and an amazing Dad.

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