tisdag 16 juli 2013

Boy and the avocado

About three years ago, I tried to pot an avocado stone to see if it would grow into an avocado tree. I was somewhat successful, and for about two years I had the thinnest, most limp-yet-alive sad excuse of an avocado tree standing in my livingroom window, next to something that might have been, and probably should have been, a pine tree, but mostly looked like a two pronged branch with a ornament hanging from it.

Then Boy and I made the mistake of going to the beach house for Easter and forgot to remind his uncle that plants need water too. When we got back both the avocado and the pine were dead and the other plants clung to their pots, glaring at us with angry faces.

About a year later, I tried to pot another avocado stone and this time, it actually turned into a quite beautiful avocado sapling. It can even stand on its own (I had to build a support out of chop sticks and yarn for the other avocado sapling). It has a twig sticking straight out about halfay to the top, making it look like it's trying to dance like those dancers at the end of Blazing Saddles. Boy calls it the Campocado. He's also the one who usually gives it water (because I tend to forget. I'm busy keeping my pointsettas alive, tyvm) and so everytime he goes to water it, he has conspiratory conversations with the Campocado about how much he loves it and how evil I am for not watering it. Some day I need to take pictures of the faces he makes when talking to it. Think 1950's spy movies and you're pretty close.

Now the avocado looks like some strange mushroom, large base, thinning towards the top, and then HAT!

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