torsdag 3 april 2014

Diving into Scary (photo heavy)

One of the things I find the most scary and embarrassing is to photographed. I just don't like how I look in photos. Which is exactly why I am going to add more photos to this blog and also feature in more photos. Because, as the ever-so-lovely Militant Baker states, if something is scary, dive right into it. (This doesn't exactly apply to phobias, so NEVER tell someone with a phobia to just dive into it. You are just a Dick Roman if you do that.)

At first, I was thinking of doing a vlog thing, but I can't afford a new video camera and the built in webcam on my laptop has taken too many beatings for it to actually work.

I also like to photograph things, so this will give me another great excuse to get out and take photos on a more regular basis. Outdoors is overrated, but it is there, so I might as well force it to pose for me.

To kick this thing off, here is a progression of photos from 2012 to last week (I think.)

 Bedside lamp and beer cans. Yay, Germany (origin of the beverages, that is).

I was spending the night at my parents' house and I couldn't sleep, so naturally I found the light coming from the bedside lamp fascinating.

Light fascinates me.

Benefits of living in a rainy country. Silver sunsets, anyone?

Cemetery in winter. This was taken at 5.30 pm.

 I'm bored...

My sister's dog. 
He's a labrador-whippet-old English sheepdog-somthingIcan'tremember mix named Elvine.

Friend of mine and a random dog trying take the sandwich.

Stockholm at sunset.

Stormtrooper and Rogue, hand in hand. That balloon, though.


And a ninja

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