What is time?
This time, the post will be different from what I usually talk about, but I have mentioned that I like science, so a post like this shouldn't come as a surprise.
I have been thinking about the possibility of time travel from time to time, since the concept is one I find very interesting. The concept is so extremely complicated and so fascinating in its complexity. Many people think about time travel as just travelling from one point in time to another point in time, and science fiction often use this short-cut way of thinking about it. What many people forget is that things move in space as well as in time. Time and Space is the same continuum. You can't travel in one without travelling in the other. And that poses another problem.
If you've ever watched a science fiction show that deals with time travelling, you've undoubtedly run into the phenomenon known as the Grandfather Paradox, in which you accidentally kill your grandfather and, by extent, yourself. This is the first problem with time travel.
The second one is the concept of time itself. What is time? Is it a "wibbly-wobbly timey wimey" thing? Is it a progression from order to entropy? Is it both or neither? In any case, the concept of time travel itself grants that if time travel has ever been invented, it will always have existed. If it has been invented, why are there not more time travellers? Is deja vu just the result of our present being altered by travellers changing the past?
The third part has to do with the time-space continuum. If you have played any video game including teleportation you have
probably run across the concept of coordinates and how missing a
coordinate can send you into a tree or the bottom of the ocean or inside
a mountain. Time travel is really the same thing, except on a much
larger scale. In order to travel in time, you have to know the exact coordinates of the spot you want to land in. These coordinates have to be pinned down, not only to where they lead to on this tiny planet, but where you are in relations to everything else in the entire universe. Where was the planet 10 minutes, 10 years, or 10 millenia ago? By this thought, we need to have mapped all corners of the universe, in its entirety, in order to safely move through time by any means other than our own linear progression from order to entropy. The universe is expanding, and while heliocentrism gives us that our solar system is not a vortex but a helix, we are still moving around the center of the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is moving in its own way. While the wrong coordinates in Minecraft would land you inside a mountin, the wrong coordinates in time-space travel might land you in a black hole or a neutron star.
But for now
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